Henry David thoreau

Programs & Events
Flint Water Festival is an annual charity event that raises funds for water and provides a platform for artistic expression to improve the community’s social and emotional development. For more information please visit www.flintwaterfestival.com.
SAVE the DRAMA is an art therapy program created in an effort to counter the adverse health and social effects of intractable poverty, opioids, and crises. Students travel to the Tony-award winning American Repertory Theater at Harvard University to attend workshops, see a show, and tour the campus!
DRIPPIE provides charitable fundraising services and supports organizations to promote water awareness in schools and communities here and abroad. For more information please visit www.flintwaterfestival.com/drippie-events.
Peaceful Diamond Company produces handcrafted memorial products that sparkle on the outside and keep mementos inside. The company was founded through the invention of the Diamond Urn (patent pending). A portion of the proceeds are donated to RICH Kids, Inc. For more information please visit www.peacefuldiamondco.com.
“Mojave shows how local changes make a global impact.”
NGO News Publication | April 2016